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Food Pantry

The Food Pantry is open on the third Friday of every month from Noon–3 pm. We provide canned, dried and frozen food to anyone who brings a photo ID. We work with local restaurants through Food To Donate, providing us with a large variety of foods. If you are interested in donating non-perishable food items or helping with the Food Pantry, please contact us.

Thrift Store

The Thrift Store is open every Saturday from 10 am–2 pm. We sell clothing, books and other household items. If you bring a non-perishable food item, you will receive $1 off your purchase. If you are interested in donating anything or helping with the thrift store, please contact us. All proceeds go to the food pantry.

Women's Group

Dorcas Women's Group meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7 pm. Women join together in fellowship and prayer and find practical ways to help our church and community. Meaningful relationships are built as they confide in each other. If you'd like to join the Dorcas Women's Group, reach out to us.

Men's Fellowship

The men's fellowship group meets to watch movies, snack on food, study The Bible and support each other in prayer. We support the church and the community through our service. If you're interested in attending a men's fellowship gatherings, let us know.

Missionary Support

We directly support Gail and Jason Lantz, who are missionaries in South Korea. We also directly support The Dayton Christian Center, American Baptists Churches of Ohio, American Baptist International and American Baptist Churches USA. If you would like get involved with any of our ministries, you can reach us at the contact info below.

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