Enlightening & Disturbing History - "Never Caught: The Washingtons' Relentless Pursu
I was painfully enlightened and disturbed by our founding father's calloused, resentful, superior, and paternalistic attitudes and actions. It was disheartening to see how he tried to hide his slave catching efforts in New Hampshire so he could manage his public reputation. I also noted how the "sins of the fathers" continue to this day in attitudes of superiority, disdain, defensiveness & paternalism toward African Americans. These sins are usually subtle and very easy to justify. Ona Judge eventually came to love Jesus following her liberation from the very secular Washington family. Lord, please give us hearts that take action to defend our brothers and sisters of African descent who frequently feel the painful bite of unequal standards to prove themselves worthy of full rights and respect as Americans.
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JERRY’S BOOKSHELF (What I’m Reading Now) NEVER CAUGHT -The Washingtons’ Relentless Pursuit of Their Runaway Slave, Ona Judge, by Erica Armstrong Dunbar: In recent years I’ve discovered that, though I like to read many types of material, historical books are my favorite, especially factual ones dealing with the history of African Americans in …